Rebrand Reveal: Acing the Rollout

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There are many things you should consider as you embark on a rebranding journey but the most significant of them all, is to ensure that you are doing it for the right reason. While your products and branding may be out of this world, the rollout process is the most critical of them all. If it is poorly implemented your purpose may be overlooked and your impact may fizzle out. 

So what should you consider when revealing your brand?

Plans to prose

As the saying goes “by failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail”. From concept to conceptualisation and creation, your rebrand has many moving parts that need to be carefully considered. A written strategy of the date, brand touchpoints, audience, messages and channels will help you prepare and anticipate any setbacks. Begin by identifying a set of deliverables and then start to prioritise. 

Make a splash from the inside out 

Rebrands are more than changing a logo, colour palette and typography, it is changing perceptions and attitudes too. Your team needs to be invested in the transformation, they need to believe in it as deeply as you do. Involvement in the rebranding process will evoke inspiration and a determination to become drivers of change and brand stewards. Only once you have built the momentum from the inside, you should begin creating external messages that promote your new identity and your reason behind it. 

Stay true to your purpose 

Creating a new brand identity consists of refining your operating practices and business strategies which should continuously be changing in response to a changing landscape. On the other hand, your purpose, which is your reason for being, should always remain the same. This process of change ought to be guided by your overriding vision. Identify your core purpose and key values as a business and an authentic brand will follow.


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